Monday 23 May 2011

The end of the Mayan Calendar?

Is humanity doomed?

'The Mayan Calendar' is a misnomer. Nothing is going to happen at the end of what I call the Calendar of Creation, which is a timeline of the evolution of consciousness. It simply marks the end of a process that we're living through right now. Yet I know that a bright light is about to shine forth and sweep the whole world, very quickly. It's nothing woowoo! It's the light inside each and every one of us that's aching to get out. A way of reaching into each others hearts and finding immense fulfilment by contributing to each others needs. It's here and its spreading rapidly. It's so simple, so powerful and so beautiful. Every single one of us has what's necessary to use it and make life wonderful for each other.

Making life wonderful... that's what it's all about. Recognising what's ALIVE in everyone of us moment-to-moment, which is our feelings, and the needs which create them. Negative feelings are created by unmet needs, and in a 'jackal' they are expressed violently (usually verbally, sometimes physically). As jackals we add interpretations and judgements to what we onserve and tend to criticise, blame and judge others morally.We also have a resistence to telling others what we need and want and what's important to us. As jackals we also manipulate people with punishment or reward to get them to behave as we want them to behave.

By seeking only to share our feelings and our needs, rather than our thoughts, we gain instant empathy and compassion. Once we know each other's feeling and needs we can work out a strategy for getting everyone's needs met. This leads to genuinely compassionate giving. It's certainly my opinion that there's nothing more fulfuling than contributing to eachothers well-being. This is being a 'giraffe'!

So keep focussing on what's ALIVE in you and others and help make life more wonderful.

a goodman

Wednesday 27 August 2008

The Shift of the Ages

"This is the shift of the ages. Those who aren’t prepared for the transition will struggle to cope with the rapid changes in the psyche. The only way to prepare is to awaken to the truth within, within our psyche and our shadow-self. It’s important to realise that when we fear loss, fear death, fear war, fear terrorism, fear change, we give others the ability to control us based on those fears. Whether we’re fighting against social injustice or fighting for our rights, we are outwardly attempting to repress that which has been placed before us to conquer inwardly. There is no fight to be fought, no war to be waged. Not a finger needs to be lifted. Those situations our mirrors for our fears. That’s why it’s important to love and only love. Love those who stand with us, and especially love those who stand against us. This material world is a physical manifestation of the fear or the love in our consciousness. All we need to conquer in our life is right in our face. If we want to understand our true inner fears, we need to analyse our ambitions and our inhibitions.

There’s nothing to do, but everything to be, and that is being truthful. This is nothing to do with the truth about our politics, our economics, our social structures or our religions. The scariest truth for all of us is to face the truth about ourselves, the truth behind the masks we wear. It is only important that we learn to conquer our innermost fears and learn to love. When we see our fears for what they are and master our emotions, then, and only then, will we truly be free."                                                 from the film Esoteric Agenda